A Lineman Goes Home

Sine Waves: The highs and lows of Life on the Line Hits: 645

At the end of the day a lineman goes home

At the end of a day a lineman has led the members of his crew safely

At the end of the day a lineman’s work is done

Sometimes it’s the lightning

Sometimes it’s the wind

Sometimes it’s a car hit a pole

Each day a lineman faces adversity

Each day a lineman faces unsafe conditions

Each day a lineman faces himself in the mirror

Line work isn’t about who’s the best

Line work isn’t about who’s the safest

Line work isn’t about political issue

The best he’s the guy putting a smile on his kid’s face

The best he’s the one holding the line on safety

The best well he’s the guy you want to work with

The best retires to a life of family

The best is carried to his grave after a long life

The best never had to ask

Thomas H Palmer - Lineman
