Powerlineman Profile: Johnny Ledezma

Powerlineman Profile Hits: 726

Johnny Ledezma Lineman Attitude

Tell us a little about yourself -

My name is Johnny Ledezma and have been in the line life for over 19 years now. For the first five years, I was in the line crew and later transferred into the Service Department.  As a Grunt, I wanted to learn everything I needed about being a Lineman. I loved the climbing part of line school.  If I could overcome that, everything else would fall into place.

I remember going to work and caught a glimpse of a Lineman decal on the back of one of the foreman’s personal pickup truck. I asked him where he got it. He told me that he purchased it at a Lineman’s Rodeo. Eventually the company I worked for started a Lineman Rodeo Team. I would stay after work to practice with the Journeyman Linemen. This led to an even greater pride in what I did.

Tell us about Lineman Attitude -

There was a limited number of websites that offered any type of Lineman decals or anything to show off what I did for a living, so I started to work on my own. I wanted to be original, have something different from what was out there. I learned about making silhouettes out of pictures and software to make decals. Slowly, I started to have a collection of original images. I asked my wife to list two of my decals in her Etsy website. Selling several decals, in the first two weeks, gave me the idea for a website.

I knew that I would need a name and logo to set a path for this future website. My wife would always tell me to have a positive attitude after having a hard day at work or after a class at line school. That’s how Lineman Attitude came about. Attitude is usually related to something negative, but I wanted a positive spin to it. I wanted for Lineman Attitude to represent being your Brother’s Keeper and showing off your lineman pride.

 I started a page on Instagram and now, have over 17K followers. Lineman Attitude consists of my wife, Monique and myself. We cater to linemen, linewives and their families looking for that unique item or gift. We try to make sure that their shopping experience is memorable by thanking them directly and always adding extras with each order.

Tell us some more about the business; how and where did it get started -

We set up a booth at The Texas Lineman’s Rodeo in Seguin, Texas,  where we have grown and have been a part of over the past 9 years. We started under a tree with two tables, later renting a small U-Haul trailer and eventually buying our own 12’ enclosed trailer. We set up two 10x20 canopies for our booth. We sell caps, t-shirts, decals and accessories for Lineman and their families. From tank tops for linewives to lineman-themed bows for little girls. We have made friends with many of the linemen and their families while at the Rodeo throughout the years.  I love talking to people who follow me through Instagram or Facebook. Taking pictures, making memories and having fun is what we look forward to every July!

Do you see any differences now than back when you started in line work -

There’s always a barrier between old school lineman ways and the new, younger apprentices. Safety culture has changed through the years. It is easier now to communicate and understand why such rules are in place. I was in a position where I learned from old school guys but I also understood the new culture at our apprenticeship program. I eventually volunteered to become a Guest Instructor, after becoming a Journeyman Lineman, to mentor young students struggling through the program.

Any advise for those folks that are just entering the business -

 It’s a hard and physical line of work. I get questions about getting into the trade through Instagram.  I usually advise them to research different venues such as local line schools or online information.  I try to encourage them not to give up and reach for their goals. Sometimes, it takes a little Positive Attitude to get there.

Thank You!!

Johnny Ledezma
Lineman Attitude

Website:  //This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it./">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Instagram:  @linemanattitude

Facebook: Lineman Attitude
